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Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kepada semua artis atas kerja keras dan partisipasi kalian dalam kontes desain hero Valiant Force!

Dalam rentang waktu 10 minggu ini kami menerima banyak hasil karya yang sangat menakjubkan. Tidak mudah namun kami berhasil untuk memilih hasil karya untuk pemenang yang disukai oleh pemberi suara dan sesuai dengan arah artistik kami.

Kami berharap semuanya menikmati kontes dan merasakan kesenangan seperti yang kami rasakan. Kami akan berupaya untuk mengadakan kontes ini kembali nanti.

Selamat para pemenang dan terima kasih untuk semua yang telah berpartisipasi! Silakan nikmati hasil karya dari lima pemenang dari kontes ini di bawah.

Terakhir, kami juga menempatkan dalam galeri 30 hasil karya teratas dengan jumlah suara terbanyak.


KobiKobi Akan Menerima:

  • $3,000 USD
  • Hasil karya akan dibuat Kostum dan dipakai oleh Cosplayer
  • 1x in-app Hero dipilih secara acak
  • Hasil Karya akan dipamerkan dikontes gallery
  • Bonus Hadiah Juara 1: 3.000 Gems

Komentar Juri:

It's aggressive in composition and delicate in design, with the bright color comes out the cute character. The idea of loading bullets is excellent. It's well completed and almost perfect.


Hazu Akan Menerima:

  • $2,000 USD
  • 1x in-app Hero dipilih secara acak
  • Hasil Karya akan dipamerkan dikontes gallery
  • Bonus Hadiah Juara 2: 2.000 Gems

Komentar Juri:

A cape that seems to be held together by floating pauldrons. Dangling keys. A warhammer and axe that appear too heavy for her frame. The hood and the white and gold color combination make for a really interesting design. The somewhat rough painting style also adds to the overall presentation of this piece.


Pandea_work Akan Menerima:

  • $1,000 USD
  • 1x in-app Hero dipilih secara acak
  • Hasil Karya akan dipamerkan dikontes gallery
  • Bonus Hadiah Juara 3: 1.000 Gems

Komentar Juri:

The design level is outstanding. It's an original creation but far away from eccentric, which makes it well ballanced. Proficient strokes are just telling that it's from an experienced designer. It feels like that simply I really would like to watch when the girl is fighting in the story.

Most Votes

Komentar Juri:

Interesting design with a clean and traditional execution. Would like to see more from this artist.


Judges' Comments: 設定の完成度は群を抜く。独創的でありながら奇抜ではない、そのバランスも素晴らしい。手慣れたタッチも作者の経験の豊富さを物語る。純粋に、この娘が作中で動いて戦う姿を見てみたい。
The design level is outstanding. It's an original creation but far away from eccentric, which makes it well ballanced. Proficient strokes are just telling that it's from an experienced designer. It feels like that simply I really would like to watch when the girl is fighting in the story.

Judges' Comments: I like all the combined elements of this piece. From the nun-like costume with a dark veil, the multi-layered skirt and the gigantic halo that hovers right behind her. The clean rendering style also works very well as it doesn’t distract the viewer too much from all the important stuff that is going on.

Special Award
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