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龍火元素法師:葉奈法 Dragon Rage of Elementalist:Yennefer


姓名:葉奈法 生日:1月15日(18~26歲) 故鄉:墨澤沃,黑石特爾 愛好:保養武器,操縱火焰,看遠方的風景 背景故事:父母因為戰爭而過世,葉奈法從小由巨龍照顧長大,所以她看世界上的眼光都是從龍的眼光出發,個性承襲了巨龍的直率,敢愛敢恨,高傲且自我。一心只想捍衛與守護龍族的威望,而踏上了訓練與探險的道路。

Name:Yennefer D.O.B.:1/15(18~26age) Home Region:Hunting, friendly competition, mountain climbing Backstory: Yennefer’s parents died in a war, she was rescued and raised by dragon. This make her world view is totally established by the dragons. She is straightforward, conceited, and she live by her own way, differentiate clearly about her love and hate. She started a ascetic practice to defend the glory of the dragon species.

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