Merrick - The Wayfarer of Merbienne
Name: Merrick Antilles - The Wayfarer of Merbienne
D.O.B: 21 August (30-34 years old)
Home Region: Port City of Merbienne
Hobbies: Sailing, Cliff jumping, Free diving, fishing
Born the son of an Elven Ranger and Human Sailor, Merrick has always
been rough around the edges, yet fi erce like on the ocean..
As a teen was conscripted into Elven Navy and then joined the Rangers
to provide nautical combat strategy during the Great War.
Over time he became extremely skilled in the use of the repeater crossbow.
Was gravely wounded when you dived in front of a wyvern blast
that was directed towards the young princess, Sustaining burn to his
face and body.
Aft er Surviving the war and a wily veteran returned to his home and
took over the mantle of Wayfarer of Merbienne from his ageing father
Now he patrols the coastline protecting the local fi sherman and ports
from pirate raids aboard his swift catamaran the ‘Sunstreaker’.
3*-4* Ability : Typhoon Barrage – barrage of arrows from the crossbow
reins down from above striking all targets all all targets hit with
critical damage are confused for two turns
5* Ability : Tsunami Barrage – barrage of arrows from the crossbow
reins down from above striking all targets all targets are Knocked
back and those hit with critical damage are confused for two turns.